Hi! I'm Vashon Borich-Leach (aka The T.U.F.F. Momma). I'm a polymath who enjoys sharing my experience as a digital entrepreneur, karate instructor, gourmet salt and pallet wood crafter, business coach, public speaker, author and animal lover. I live in Southern Missouri with my two sons, Ty and Jack, along with several animals that adopted me including my dangerously handsome husband, Ron. I hope to inspire you to be Tough, Unstoppable, Fearless and Free! (T.U.F.F.) Thank you for reading my blog posts!

“I was born when the time came and I will die when the time comes.”

Tao Te Ching, By Lao Tzu

Question: What is the one thing that all of humanity has in common?

Answer: The only thing that all of us have in common is time.

Time is the only currency we should be concerned with. No one knows when their time will end no one knows when their last day will be. When you choose to take control of your time, you begin to really live.

Learn to live in the moment. Take this very moment and be present by not thinking about what’s next or what happened in the past. Focus on this moment of time.

Do not worry about future time.

Do not worry about the past time.

Everything happens in due time.

To better understand time, pick up a deck of cards. Shuffle them up and start flipping them over one by one. The aces and face cards represent the happy times, the good times and the great times in your life. The numeric cards are the challenges, the lessons and the tragedies in your life.

As you turn each card over eventually you will get to the good times and eventually you will experience bad times. It’s this way for everyone. Just like with the cards, you cannot predetermine when the good times will pop up and for how long. Nor can you prevent the bad.

Don’t worry about time. Your time is perfect and perfectly timed.

How you experience time is based on your mindset. Be grateful for this time, be grateful for next time and look forward to any time you have left on this earth.

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